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Construction Regions: May 2022

Hewes & Associates’ latest regional construction forecast provides new work output forecasts (public & private housing, infrastructure, public non-housing, industrial, commercial) and repair & maintenance output forecasts (housing, public non-housing, private non-housing, infrastructure) for all 11 regions of Great Britain, covering the years 2022 – 2024.

Some highlights of the report:

  • All GB regions experienced rapid new work output growth in 2021, whilst for 2022 the outlook is mixed, with the double digit growth forecast for the North East and West Midlands, and modest decline for Scotland and Yorks & Humberside
  • Private housebuilding has risen extremely strongly in most regions since mid-2020: in the East Midlands & Eastern region starts are at their highest level since the boom of 2004-2007. We expect decline in housebuilding to ensue as Help to Buy ends and interest rates increase.
  • Infrastructure is extremely buoyant in those regions hosting HS2 and wind farms/electricity generation.
  • Industrial building is increasing in most regions, but notably so the Midlands and Northern regions, boosted by warehouse development and green-based investment.