A Leading Provider of UK Construction Forecasts, Research and Information Services.

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Martin Hewes

Hewes & Associates’ founder, Martin Hewes, is an economist, who since completing an M.Sc. (Economics) in 1989 has gained over twenty five years experience within a consulting, forecasting and publications based environment. Initially trained as an engineer, Martin worked in manufacturing, assembling locomotives and generators. In 1982 he left the factory floor and spent seven years retraining to become an economist.

Employment History

Upon gaining an MSc in 1989 he took up a post as consultant economist to the construction industry at the National Economic Development Office (NEDO). In 1992 he and his business colleague set up Construction Forecasting & Research (CFR), the venture that took over NEDO’s construction forecasting and analysis activities. Between 1988 and 1995 Martin co-authored and edited a wide range of construction market publications and forecasts, and was secretary to and co-author of NEDO’s construction forecasts.

The founding of Hewes & Associates

In 1995 Martin left CFR and set up Hewes & Associates. His aim was to provide the construction industry with an in-depth and independent national and regional construction forecasting service. Hewes & Associates is now a leading provider of forecasting, information and data services to the construction and related industries.

In June 2014 Martin Hewes was announced a ‘Light Bulb’ prize winner in the Wolfson Economics Prize 2014: How best to deliver a new garden city which is visionary, economically viable and popular.  ‘Light Bulb’ prizes were awarded for outstanding contributions to specific aspects of delivering a new garden city.

Hewes & Associates is an independent business, and as such its forecasts are free of any outside influence. It analyses and forecasts economic matters as it sees them, not as it would like them to be. As such its long-held views concerning the present economic crisis, whilst pessimistic, have so far proved correct.

Why use us?

Why use Hewes & Associates? The three major concerns of clients are price, quality and speed of service. Our access to, and knowledge of, a wide range of information enables a speedy and cost effective service, while quality is ensured by our expert knowledge, insight and experience. Whatever your requirements, therefore, you need look no further than Hewes & Associates.

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